The Latest Book Of Author Ashok Mohanty ‘Mahashoti’ Is Out Now And Available On Kindle

The Latest Book Of Author Ashok Mohanty ‘Mahashoti’ Is Out Now And Available On Kindle



Author Ashok Mohanty has come up with his latest book titled, ‘Mahashoti’. The book will be available for countdown sale from 9th January to 16th January. The author blends his understanding of cosmic science and his imaginative power in the book. Moreover, through the lead character of the story ‘Shriti’, he has successfully delved into the conflicts and dilemmas of human minds. A video trailer is available on

Book blurb:

The story gives us insights into outer space, deals with past life experiences, and manifests a spirit world. The book, primarily, provides the mysteries of space shown through the kidnapping of a young girl Shriti by some aliens, and the cosmic battle between the peoples of two rival planets named Vhurab and Ketub.

Final thoughts

The book ‘Mahashoti’ engages and thrills the readers with the consistently growing intensity of the story. Until it is the end, it keeps the readers eager to know whether Shriti will ever be able to go back to her planet or not. The book is a constant interplay of science and imagination, which the writer has played with absolute brilliance. You can find the book at