14 Best Asian Foods You Should Try

The food items of Asia have a rich culture and are diverse too. The unique taste of the food items can literally blow your mind. Find out the 14 best food items.

Image Credit: Tuk Tuk Mart

The culinary landscape of Asian food is vast. In Asia, there are a total of 48 countries. And every country has a whole set of food items. The rich cultured countries have many things to offer to their people. And the foods of Asia have gone to the whole world. The captivating flavors of the foods add a whole unique essence. And that is what attracts more people from all around the world. It is the vibrant Asian cuisine that no other continent can offer. Maybe there are various varieties of foods but the diverse flavors and elements aren’t worth a compare. Here are 14 best Asian foods that everyone should try at least once in their lifetime-

  1. Kimchi (Korean Sauerkraut):

Kimchi is a staple element of Korean food but it is used in various ways in Asian food items. It is a simple yet exotic food item that can bring a huge change. To make a kimchi, one doesn’t have to go through any tough procedure. This is only a fermentation of vegetables and a few seasonings. To make kimchi, one will require a vegetable like cabbage or radish and with that one should use garlic, ginger, and chili pepper according to their taste. It might be a simple dish of fermented food items but it has many health benefits. In the Asian food culture, it plays a great significance.

  1. Japanese sushi:

In the Asian food market, Japanese sushi is another famous food item. Now sushi isn’t only bound in Japan but has reached out to the global stage. The concept of eating sushi started a long time ago and reflects artistry in the country’s culinary. Sushi is made out of seafood items like various fish, vegetables, and rice. It has captured the palates of global people. The unique amalgamation of different food items has made this different in every aspect. Right now, sushi is one of the most popular food items in whole around the world.

  1. Biriyani:

Biriyani is a famous Indian food item that is made with fragrant basmati rice, meat, and various spices. In different parts of India, a variety of biriyani is available. Some of the famous types of biriyani are Kolkata biriyani, Hyderabadi biriyani, and Lucknowi biriyani. And right now, it has become one of the most famous Asian items all around the world. The rich flavor of the biriyani is working falling for. The harmonious blend of spices adds different flavors. Biriyani has been one of the traditional food items of this country and now it has become a part of the celebration. The rich taste has become a cultural significance of the country.

  1. Peking duck:

One of the famous Chinese cuisines is Peking duck. In the list of famous Asian food items, it is one of the significant ones. For this particular food, the duck is cooked in a traditional manner. This is basically a roasted item but the mesmerizing part about it is that the duck is first seasoned and then air-dried. This particular process makes the skin of the duck even crispier. It is usually eaten with thin pancakes, sliced scallions, and hoisin sauce. The unique presentation has made the item even more brilliant. Peking duck is a famous Chinese food item but now it is tried by the global people and appreciated too.

  1. Pho:

Pho is a famous Vietnamese type of noodle soup, which has become quite famous all around the world. There is a deep culture integrated with this food item. This noodle is made out of rice noodles, aromatic broth, and a portion of meat. The meat is either chicken or beef. Along with that, various herbs and spices are used that add a charming flavor. Right now, Pho is not only a Vietnamese dish but it has crossed all the boundaries, which has made a significant mark in the international food industry. This is a food item that symbolizes the culinary excellence of the country. If you want to try an authentic Vietnamese dish, then you should go for this.

  1. Ramen:

The Japanese food Ramen is another food item that is now appreciated by people all around the world. It is a food item that has various food items like chewy noodles, boiled marinated eggs, a bit of meat, scallions, and nori, which is a seaweed. All these are boiled in an aromatic broth that elevates the flavor even more. At the present time, ramen has become a comfort food for many people. The filling ingredients and excellent taste have made this food item really outstanding. When it comes to ramen, there are different kinds of them. It depends on the making style. The widely known types of ramen are tonkotsu and miso style. Both of these have been the famous Asian food items.

  1. Donner kebab:

Turkey is a country that is like a bridge between Asia and Europe. This is a Middle Eastern country and its cuisine is excellent in every aspect. The food of this country is excellent in every manner. The rich aroma of the ingredients of this food of the country is spectacular. Donner kebab is one of the types of shawarma, which is famous all around the world. This kebab is made with a marinated layer of lamb or beef that slowly rotates in a rotisserie. After the cooking, it is slicely chopped and eaten with different kinds of breads. The donner kebab is served with lettuce, garlic sauce, and cucumber. The subtle taste of the kebab has all the flavors that will hit the right note. The excellence has made this food item brilliant in every aspect and that is why, it is considered one of the most famous Asian food items.

  1. Satay:

Satay is an Indonesian food dish, which is another famous food item. This particular food item is made with skewered meat and served with peanut sauce. The taste of this meat item has a brilliant flavor of herbs, garlic, turmeric powder, soy sauce, coriander powder, and various other ingredients. The choice of meat in this food item is quite different from any other food. Usually, meats of snakes and crocodiles are used in this particular item. In Indonesian food items, you will get a wide array of choices in meat. In this particular part of Asia, meats like these animals are mostly used. It might be a reason for hesitation before eating but once you try, you will be able to discover a wide range of foods. Thus, you should definitely eat satay in your life for at least once.

  1. Tandoori chicken:

Tandoori chicken is one of the most popular food items in India. In this country, there are many simple yet exotic food items are available. It is one of the most simple food items for which you do not need to put much effort. All you need to do is marinate the chicken with yogurt, cumin, ginger, garlic, garam masala (a famous Indian spice powder), and lemon. After the marination, all you need to do is cook it in a tandoor clay oven and that’s it. You do not need to do anything. Within a few minutes, your tandoori chicken will be ready. It is a food item that is famous in every part of the part. Thus, you should surely try this particular food item.

  1. Adobo:

Adobo is the national dish of the Philippines that is specially made with chicken thighs. Marinated in soy sauce and brown sugar, this item is only need to be fried gently. The sweet taste of adobo can give you the perfect taste. This is one of the simplest food items that has an outstanding taste. To make this chicken item, you do not have to give much effort. Thus, you can effortlessly enjoy this food item.

  1. Nasigoreng:

Nasigoring is a famous Indonesian food item. It is a famous fried rice, which was popular in the country and now it has become popular worldwide. The Asian-style fried rice has a unique flavor that everyone appreciates. This rice item has a distanced brown color that comes from the soy sauce used in it. Along with the rice, there are shrimp and a sunny-side-up fried egg on the item. There are few other vegetables used in this fried rice item. The excellent flavor of this fried rice hits the right note. And that is why, it has become one of the most famous food items in the whole Asia.

  1. Tom yam:

Tom yam is a famous food from Thailand, which is now popular in every part of the world. It is a brilliant soup that is made out of lemongrass, chili, spices, lime leaves, and other herbs. To make this food item, you will need shrimp. The rich soup has every element that you will need in a food item. It is sweet, spicy, and also sour. The balanced taste can blow your mind. Previously, this item was only bound to Thailand but with each passing time, it has crossed all the boundaries. Now, this is one of the famous foods from Thailand that is appreciated by all. The exotic flavor of this food item is unmatchable. So, you should taste this once in your lifetime.

  1. Dim sum:

Dim sum is a famous culinary item in China that is now famous in every part of the world. It is a small bite-sized food item that has various kinds of filling in it. Previously dim sums were served only in Chinese restaurants but now it is served in global restaurants. In each bite, you will get different flavors that will blow your mind. Currently, it is seen that dim sum is one of the most famous food items among all food enthusiasts. Thus, if you haven’t tried it yet, you should do that.

  1. Tempura:

Tempura is a famous Japanese dish that is deep-fried and filled with every flavor. Crunchy from the outside and soft from the inside, this food item is now one of the most food items in the whole world. The flavors of this are quite simple yet subtle and that is why it is appreciated so much among all the food lovers. In this food item, ingredients like mushrooms, eggplants, shrimp, and shiso are used. The batter of the tempura is also quite simple. It is made with eggs, flour, and water, that’s it. You do not have to add any other ingredient to make tempura. Thus, you should eat it once if you want to experience authentic Japanese taste.

These are some of the best Asian food items you should try. Explore Asian food items and experience their brilliant taste.