Find Out the Best Art Exhibitions of 2024

This year a lot of art exhibitions have taken place and some of them are going to happen. Explore some of the biggest art exhibitions of 2024 all over the world. 

Image Credit: Artland Magazine
  1. From the other side:

‘From the other side’ is a horror exhibition that has taken place at the ACCA, Melbourne. When it comes to a horror art exhibition, you might think it will be just an exhibition of scary paintings. However, it is more than you think. It has come to know that a total of 19 artists have worked for this exhibition. Australian and international artists have come together to present art at this event. For this particular exhibition, they have chosen the perspective of feminists, non-binary, and queer communities. There are representations of female monsters that are not quite usual. The female storytellers have gone far for this exhibition and you should have a look.

  1. Inside Other Spaces. Environments by Women Artists 1956 – 1976:

‘Inside Other Spaces. Environments by Women Artists 1956 – 1976’ occurred at the Haus der Kunst in Munich. This particular exhibition has been one of a kind. It has intertwined the concept of environment, which was quite astonishing. In this exhibition, it has been shown that 11 women artists created a unique art piece in the time frame of 1956-1979. At that time, they faced many challenges in creating the art pieces. And with this exhibition, they have showcased how they have gone through problems in making and giving shape to the creations. The extraordinary creations are definitely worth witnessing. It is one of the best exhibitions of the year.

  1. Acts of Creation: On Art and Motherhood:

The ‘Acts of Creation: On Art and Motherhood’ is an exhibition that has gone on a tour, which will continue till 2025 in different places. As of now, it has taken place in Bristol’s Arnolfini art centre. Currently, it is happening at the Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham. There are a total of 100 pieces of art in the exhibitions. More than 60 talented artists have come together to create the artwork. The beautiful paintings, sculptures, photos, film, and sound have made the exhibition one of a kind. Here one will get to see self-portraits where they are exploring themselves as mother. The excellent creations can captivate any audience instantly. Thus, you should witness this exhibition.

  1. ¡Viva La Vida!:

‘¡Viva La Vida!’ is going to take place at the Grand PalasisImmersif, Paris. It is an exhibition dedicated to the most renowned Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Everybody knows her name, but merely a few people are aware of her work. It is an exhibition, where everyone will get to learn about all the unknown facts of Kahlo. As of now, it is coming to know that there will be a 360-degree projection at the exhibition. Not only that, there will be documents, her diary, photographs, artworks, and many other things. It is going to be an exciting exhibition for all.

  1. Edvard Munch: Trembling Earth:

Edward Munch is a famous painter who created art pieces like ‘The Scream’. But various creations of him can shake one to their core. And just like that, his ‘Trembling Earth’ is another creation that is going to be showcased soon at the Munch, Oslo. There will be many innovative artworks of this artist who always underplay when it comes to fascinating the natural world. In the exhibition, you will get to see some of the most brilliant creations of this artist. It would be a rare opportunity for all to witness his work. No one has ever got the chance to see the works that are going to be showcased at the ‘Edvard Munch: Trembling Earth’.

  1. Nan Goldin: This Will Not End Well:

‘Nan Goldin: This Will Not End Well’ will occur at the NeueNationalgalerie in Berlin. Nan Goldin has been an artist who has captured some of the finest photographs in her career. Her pictures of the bohemian life in the 70s and 80s have a great influence on art and fashion. It would be an exhibition, where people would be able to witness some of the rarest photographs. Her wide array of selections from addiction, AIDS epidemic, domestic violence, to LGBTQ+ rights is shown in her creations. She has worked on things that are perceived as unconventional. Thus, if you visit this exhibition in Berlin, then you will be able to see some of the things that you might not see in your lifetime.

  1. Beyond Form: Lines of Abstraction, 1950 – 1970:

‘Beyond Form: Lines of Abstraction, 1950 – 1970’ at Turner Contemporary, Margate has been a successful exhibition of this year. It has come to know that a total of 50 artists have worked in this exhibition. In this particular art exhibition, one has been able to see the cultural shift along with the political and societal context. The innovative presentations have the caliber to mesmerize one. Along with various other art pieces, there have been various sculptures by Louise Bourgeois, MáriaBartuszová, Hannah Wilke, and Eva Hesse.

  1. Zhang Enil: Faces:

At the Hauser & Wirth, Hong Kong, the exhibition ‘Zhang Enil: Faces’ has occurred. Zhang Enil is a Chinese artist who has shown his creative journey through this art exhibition. There were various abstract paintings along with installations that have been shown in this exhibition. The charming artworks have captivated the audiences instantly. The colorful creations have demonstrated the brilliant brushwork, which is surely worth appreciation.

  1. ZaneleMuholi:

The renowned South African visual activist ZaneleMuholi has come up with excellent artworks that are going to be presented at the Tate Modern, London. They are going to present the various creations of multifaceted perspectives of Black LGBTQ+. They usually work with concepts like racism, sexual politics, sexism, labor, and more. It all started around the pandemic. However, this exhibition is now going on in London and will continue till 26th January 2025.

  1. Roy Lichtenstein: A Centennial Exhibition:

The ‘Roy Lichtenstein: A Centennial Exhibition’ has taken place at the Albertina, Vienna. Roy Lichtenstein has been one of the greatest creators, who would have been 100 last year. In this art exhibition, there are more than 90 art pieces by this artist. However, many creations of him have been made in the 1960s. The excellent art pieces are being showcased in this art museum. By visiting this exhibition, you will be able to witness classic pop art, product advertisements, military heroes, and various other diverse creations that have been made by this phenomenal artist. Therefore, visit Albertina, Vienna to attend this art exhibition.

  1. Seekers, Seers, Soothsayers:

‘Seekers, Seers, Soothsayers’ is going to take place at the Zeitz MOCAA in Cape Town. The number seven has always been quite significant. There are seven days in the week and seven wonders in the whole world. And now the number has been associated with this ‘Seekers, Seers, Soothsayers’ too. This exhibition is a collection of various interesting things like psychological creations, intriguing art pieces, and much more. If you have an interest in these kinds of eerie things then you should attend this exhibition. The way of portrayal is quite different from all the other usual art creations. Thus, witnessing would be a lifetime experience.

  1. Melissa Cody: Webbed Skies:

‘Melissa Cody: Webbed Skies’ is going on at the MoMA, New York City. In this exhibition, you will get to see some of the finest traditional pieces that are handmade. The brilliant weaving methods along with the vibrant dyes have made the art pieces interesting more than ever. There is a touch of both traditional designs and modern-day designs. The excellent presentation is getting much appreciation from all. This is something that is not usually seen in other artworks. In addition to that, it has impacted the Navajo and Indigenous communities with its artworks.

  1. RosanaPaulinoAmefricana:

The Brazilian artist RosanaPaulino has come up with her very first exhibition ‘RosanaPaulinoAmefricana’ at the MALBA in Buenos Aires. The artworks have been made in the time from 1994 to 2024. The unique designs hold the concept of African touches in the South American pieces. The brilliant artworks have been widely appreciated. Her creations have also shown how it affects to be a Black woman in Latin America and Brazil. The unique depiction was quite charming and that is why it is being considered as one of the best exhibitions of this year.

These are some of the art exhibitions that have been held and are about to happen in 2024. If you are an art fanatic, then you should visit the art exhibitions that are about to happen in different parts of the world.