Tips Everyone Should Know about How to Style Oversized Tee Shirts

Oversized tee shirts have become a fashion symbol but it’s not only is it comfortable but also very stylish and to make them even more here are some tips.

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Fashion is an ever-changing cycle and the recent years have seen a revolution in the fashion industry. One of the main pillars of this fashion revolution might be the flourishment of oversized tees. From being comfy casual to urban chic, the oversized tee is ruling the fashion world. It is very hard to find anyone of the younger generation who does not own a pair or two of these trendsetters. These fashion symbols prevail both indoors where comfort is of the ultimate priority and outdoors for parties or simple brunches where a sense of uniqueness in style is essential along with comfort. Either way, this trendsetter is bound to make any outfit of yours ‘outfit of the day’ (#ootd) while you keep slaying like you always do. There are different types of oversized tee shirts found in the market made to cater to every sense of style and persona. Anybody and everybody can find a way to express themselves through these trendsetters.

The Graphic tees:

Do you also turn your head when you see somebody wearing a tee shirt with graphics of your favourite series, video games or maybe even your favourite movie character? That is the magic of graphic tee shirts. Due to the evolution of graphic designing and printing showing off one’s favourite anything through a tee shirt basically has become a child’s play nowadays. Pairing these vibrant pieces of work with casual faded jeans and a pair of classic sneakers and sunglasses can never go wrong if you want to look casual yet cool.

The Minimalistic Tees:

These are somewhat the complete opposite of the graphic tees and quite similar to the basic oversized tees. Mostly found in solid colour, these oversized tees might be the centrepiece of an outfit but it does not overpower the whole outfit, rather it gives space for accessories and pieces of jewellery to play their significant role in pulling the whole outfit with style, balance and ease. And the best part is, just a few pairs of these along with two pairs of your favourite jeans is more than enough for going on as it can be styled so diversely.

The Classic Combo Part 1:

Think about it, what’s the most worn style that is seen with oversized tees? The most worn combo is probably the combo of the oversized tee with a pair of biker shorts. This style trend inspired by the Kardashian clan has blown up the world and everybody is a part of it now. When paired with a vans style sneaker, some rider sunglasses and a slick backpack can always portray someone with a heavy retro vibe.

The Classic Combo Part 2:

Just like when paired with shorts, oversized tee shirts look fantastic with one of the most adored pieces of clothing from the 90s. The mini skirts. This classic piece of clothing can only be made stylish in this era is only when paired with an oversized tee. Throw in some beautiful sneakers, a nice crossbody bag and a pair of sunglasses along with a messy bun and red lipstick is surely the way to leave people awestruck with your uber-chic vibes.

Neo-work Wears:

The word casual is like the definition of oversized tees but slowly these have made their way in the professional field. The only thing needed with the tees is a straight, crispy pair of statement trousers. Tucking the tees in with a belt and a neutral and solid-coloured blazer to top off the look is a great way to look professional yet feel comfortable.

Longline tees or tee shirt dress:

The versatility of oversized tee shirts is outstanding. Some of these tees come with a longer length which can be worn as a dress with a bleat or a strap cinching at the waist. Paired with some sneakers or boots a pair of sunnies will definitely bring out the girly yet modern and cool side of you.

Punk vibes in the air:

The subgenre of punk rock was very much influenced by oversized tees. Most of the enthusiasts or artists of this genre are almost always seen in an oversized tee shirt. When paired with gracefully distressed jeans, a leather jacket with messy hair and dark red lipstick it gives out a mellowed-down but chic-punk vibe.