26 Incredible Europe Experiences That You Mustn’t Miss

Are you planning your next trip to Europe? Then you must include these charming experiences in your bucket list to ensure you have gala time during your stay in Europe.

Image Credit: Viator

This article is all about how to make your Europe trip even more memorable and if you manage to tick each of them in your next trip then you must consider yourself lucky for doing each of them. These are the few experiences that everyone must gather while they are in Europe. Europe has been one of the most diverse continents with a variety of cultures and with brilliant historical values. While some of the countries have shared history few of them are rich in their mannerism and powerful ways of celebrating life and their native cultures.

Whether you are an avid history student or a hardcore foodie, Europe will not disappoint you with the surprises it plans in various locations across the continent. Every corner of Europe has a story to tell. Whether you get to spend your time in cities like Athens or Rome or get you to reflect upon yourself at a hammam in Istanbul. Every portion of Europe will allow you to have a new experience, an experience that you will cherish for the rest of your life.

  1. Zagreb’s Psychedelic Art Museum

This museum is located on the second floor of the Raffay Palace from the 18th century. In this Croatian Museum in Zagreb, you will get to explore some excellent Naïve Art. If you are new to this form of art then this museum would be a great introduction to this system. These arts are created by local peasants reflecting their daily life and cultures with rural landscapes.

  1. When in Berlin Check out an avant-garde play

In the capital of Germany, you will find an avant-garde theatre one of the most renowned and sumptuously funded theatres. Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz is one of these extravagant theatres of this locality. This was formerly a cinema made in Bauhaus style in 1928. Later on, from the 70s till 1999, it became a home for the radical Schaübuhne ensemble influenced by director Thomas Ostermeier.

  1. Eat your way around the buzziest quarter of Copenhagen

On the northern outskirts of the harbor, you will find post-industrial Refshaleøen which is the buzziest neighborhood in Copenhagen. Cultural ventures of this locality you mustn’t miss. There is a large-scale installation that you shouldn’t miss at the Copenhagen Contemporary Art Gallery. The motif devotees will surely enjoy their time in this charming ambiance.

  1. Take the Dive into the Joyce’s much-loved swimming spot

This is an outdoor swimming spot this natural pool called Sea will surely be an adventurous addition to your Europe bucket list. This spot is vastly referred to by James Joyce in ‘Ulysses’, this is where Buck Mulligan jumps into the ‘scrotum-tightening sea’. Traditionally it was a swimming spot exclusive to men but with time this has become a place for every individual as women fought back for their time in this place in the 1970s.

  1. Eat Food in the nearby islands of Amsterdam

This is a lifetime experience that you must acquire before you die. And this dining experience will surely be something you will cherish for the rest of your life. You will need to take a special boat to this place and you will enjoy the most memorable meal on this beautiful island with nothing but a lighthouse nearby. The culture of this place is to eat in nature and this is what you will experience profoundly.

  1. Drink, dance, and Eat, in Prague’s former army barracks

From the subtitle, you must have learned that this happens to be a barracks which are now a place where you can enjoy your drink and have fun. This is a multipurpose complex that celebrates eclectic cultural divergence. There is an outdoor movie theatre where you can enjoy your drink and grab some food to enjoy the night.

  1. Explore the thriving warehouse district of Liverpool

This district is full of start-ups and various food joints where you can enjoy your time in the midst of the art venues of this place. You will find this place in Liverpool surrounded by the Baltic Triangle. This place was occupied by industrial areas and was heavily bombed during the Second World War. Now this is a place where magnificent music venues take place and you can arrange your time during a music event in this area that will be a great experience to acquire.

  1. Get soaked in the consuming vibes at Budapest’s ruined bar

The famous ramshackle bundling of Budapest with an open courtyard and a maze of rooms is decorated with electric furniture and edgy artworks. This mind-captivating communist memorabilia should be a part of your bucket list for your Europe trip. The nightlife of Szimpla Kert started in 2001 and since then it has been charming many travelers across Europe and also the international travelers to this place. The traditional liquor section serving Unicum is another great attraction of this place.

  1. Survey Naples’s eerie underground cemetery

If you are well aware of European history then you should have been familiar with the concept of an underground cemetery. If you are a Game of Thrones lover then you might have seen several underground cemeteries in the series. In Naples, you will find one of the oldest cemeteries on this continent dating back to the 17th Century. During this time the city was plagued out wiping over 250,000 nationwide citizens. Following the local culture, this cemetery has the bones and the skulls of the people who died during that time.

  1. Spend a night watching horror films in Edinburgh

A theater dedicated to horror movies, and this is a must-visit if you are in Edinburgh. Quentin Tarantino has confessed his love for this place. This theater has been operating for over 100 years and has been refurbished several times now. This movie theater offers the comfiest seats where you are cream at the top of your voice while watching the most bone-chilling horror movies. You can take your booze and enjoy a good scream or indulge in a good conversation with another movie buff.

  1. Scrub Your Body at an Istanbul’s hammam

Though Turkey is a country in the Middle yet, often you can add this destination to your Europe trip a why you miss out on this magnificent experience of loving like the emperor. Being one of the magnificent works of Mimar Sinan, the renowned Ottoman architect, Kılıç Ali Paşa Hamamı was constructed between 1576 and 1583. The luxurious place opened to the public in 2012 and this has become one of the most opulent experiences you can acquire during your stay in Istanbul. The architectural structure of this place is something grand but the experience you can acquire at this place is more than the visual beauty of this place.

  1. Explore the Pre-war time in Frankfurt Germany

Several European architectures have been restored and people have spent decades maintaining the glory of the past. In Frankfurt, you will find the most pre-war reminiscing German architecture back to life in the most nuanced way possible. The popular DomRömer Quarter is the newest and oldest town in Frankfurt. The area occupies over 7000 square meters amid of the medieval Römer and the Cathedral Square. The building of this area was completely destroyed during the war and has been brought back to life afterward and opened for travelers in 2018. The replica town has a similar essence to pre-war Germany.

  1. Glasgow’s ‘Kinetic Sculpture Theatre’ is a must-watch

The Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre of Glasgow has the most innovative sculptures and motifs. Designed from the scrap and synchronized with music, and colorful lights. The carved grotesques that live out in stories have the most powerful yet funny way to indulge in some fairly made masterpieces which can be a therapeutic experience for all art lovers. This theater celebrates the relentless cycle of life and death. the somewhat charming yet simple figures have won many hearts.

Image Credit: Entice Travel
  1. Get your time steamed up at a scenic club in Lisbon

You will get two dance floors one is sweaty and the other one is more lounge-styled and a roof terrace to gaze at the river if you are more into self-reflection. During your stay in Lisbon, you might get the best and the most appealing night there. Yet, if it is a Thursday then you might be getting the best night in your life as you get to witness Lux’s and rich programs including live band performances and many more.

  1. Stroll through one of the oldest flea markets in Barcelona

Flea markets have always been a great place to find some of the most exceptional places to stroll and find some of the most interesting things or rather surprises. This one is one of the oldest flea markets in Europe which is crowded with vendors across the globe selling the most quirky and eccentric along with regular everything things in this market from sewing machines to bicycles you can find anything and everything in this market.

  1. Spend your time at a riverside party in Stockholm

While you might not like your day starting with a flea market you must love a night full of colors are eccentric party vibes. In Stockholm, you will find many rooftop bars and places that will have the best music with booze and snacks. During the brutalist Norrmalm these happen to be slaughterhouses and now they host the most popular parties in the town. This is the epicenter of the nightlife in this area.

  1. Visit an extensive modern park at Porto

This is the most powerful symphony of the park and museum coming together to create the most enjoyable tour for travelers.  Sprawling through the museum and park of Fundação Serralves is a great journey that no one must miss. This picturesque ambiance of this place is surely a great addition to your comprehensive tour. The Art Deco Casa de Serralves is the foundation home for artifacts. A solo trip to this place can be full of experience and self-reflection. The outdoor greenery with the beautiful sculptures has made this place a must-visit for every travel and art enthusiast.

  1. Must visit Birmingham’s historic canal quarter

This place is often quoted as the ‘more canals than Venice’ and if you are Peaky Blinder’s fan then must have already seen these canals in that series. Boating in this canal is fine but taking a stroll around the canal quarter is more charming. This is a real Cinderella part of town with many redecorated restaurants and bars. This part has used the historic Roundhouse building as the base of their foundation which can be explored on foot, bikes, or even boats.

  1. Grab a Beer and Watch Porn at Madrid

This 700-square-meter theater is exclusive for x-rated movies. The alongside part has been turned into a cocktail bar which can be a great accompaniment for the movies you might like to watch in this grand space. The Sala Plaza bar space with a 55-seater movie theater has always been one of the best places to visit when in Madrid. The fun takes a notch higher on Sunday nights; make a Sunday free if you are planning to visit this place.

  1. Explore the Cosy art galleries in Cambridge

Art galleries are going to be very common on your Europe trip and if you are willing to witness the most homely art gallery you must visit Kettle’s Yard. This happens to be someone’s home in the past and a curator named Jim Ede has managed to turn this homely atmosphere into one of the thriving art galleries collecting beautiful artifacts across the world. He and his wife have decorated this place with their hands and it has been turned into one of the most beautiful art galleries of Europe.

  1. Watch a movie in the shadow of the Acropolis in Athens

If you are in Athens during summer then you must spend one evening at the outdoor cinemas. This is called the legendary Cine Paris which you can’t afford to miss. Bring back the ecstatic vibes of the 20s, a movie with a beautiful view and the company of your loved one is something you will always carry in your heart till the day you die. There are over 90 outdoor film venues choose whichever is convenient for you.

  1. Ogle at the horrifying shrunken heads defying races in Oxford

A place where you can find heads from various ethnicities and races, the place is packed with archeological artifacts. Starting from very tiny heads to some large skulls you might find this place to be extremely fascinating or horrifying.

  1. Retrospect the Munich’s Art Nouveau sauna

After restoring the soaring pain of past events in Europe, this majestic swimming pool is something you must witness. The place where sauna and art have been brought together is something you cannot miss on your trip to Europe. Müllersches Volksbad’s 100-foot-long swimming pool is considered the most beautiful swimming pool on this continent. The water temperature is always set at 27C making it slightly warmer that can be enjoyed by everyone. This is not just a sauna as one might think of it, this is a bathing temple to worship your body and calm your soul from the tormenting journey you might have been going through lately.

  1. Witness Venice’s world-beating art collection by the Grand Canal

The sometimes famous and sometimes infamous Grand Canal of Venice has always been a hot attraction for tourists. From this canal, you can take a look into the single-story Peggy Guggenheim Collection. This is an unfinished palace with various artifacts decorated in the open space of this area. Guggenheim bought the place in 1949 and turned it into a great collection of artworks, and while you ride a gondola in the canal you can take a peak of this beautiful art collection. But, take your time at the sculpture garden as well to watch art alongside the charmingly blooming garden.

  1. Bathe in the neon luminosity t a gallery in London

If you are traveling internationally then London might be your starting point or your ending destination, and for that, you will need to plan at least an evening in London. Alongside the hum drums of the city, you surely want to have a great at the in-your-face art display at Walthamstow’s salvage yard. If you are someone who appreciates neon–signs then you should be reaching this place making yourself comfortable and observing the fascinating formation of lights. These collections of signs have been collected over the last 37 years making it one of the most luminous places in London.

  1. Bury your face into the storied market of Paris

This historic place in Paris was known as the Marché des Enfants Rouges, This place has been named after the Red Children orphanage. The orphanage was built in the 16th century and closed its gates during the time of the revolution. This is now one of the most popular marketplaces where you can even have coffee and buy the most unique books. Now this has become one of the liveliest places in Europe. Assorted stalls from assorted places are here starting from Italian, Lebanese, Moroccan, and many other food stalls are available here in this place.

You can also get to find the most charming taste of your wine with a view of Florence, or you can also spend your time admiring cutting-edge designs in Milan. In both ways, you will be celebrating your stay on this beautiful continent. You can also mooch down a medieval main road in York or take a stroll or take a bike ride along the ancient road in Rome can be more therapeutic than you can imagine. So, while you plan your trip to Europe add these to your bucket list.