Simple and Engaging partners with DCA on new tool to break barriers for CARM women in leadership

(Isstories Editorial):- Sydney, New South Wales Jun 30, 2024 ( – Diversity Council Australia (DCA), the leading national voice for workplace diversity and inclusion, has developed a unique assessment tool for its groundbreaking RISE Project. The tool was developed in conjunction with Kind Enterprises and created by Simple and Engaging – a technology solutions provider. RISE is a four-year initiative, in collaboration with Settlement Services International (SSI) and Chief Executive Women (CEW), which aims to build pathways to senior leadership for women from culturally and racially marginalised (CARM) backgrounds.

Addressing systemic barriers for lasting change

The RISE Project (Realise, Inspire, Support, Energise) is funded by the Australian Government Office for Women and is a globally leading initiative that goes beyond traditional approaches that solely focus on individual development. It recognises the crucial need for organisational change alongside individual growth to create a more equitable path to senior leadership for CARM women. To achieve this, the project takes an innovative two-pronged approach:

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  • Supporting aspiring leaders: DCA’s partners, SSI and CEW, provide career coaching, mentoring, and leadership development programs to 375 high-potential CARM women from 25 participating organisations.
  • Empowering organisations: DCA collaborates with participating organisations to identify and dismantle systemic barriers that hinder CARM women’s advancement. This includes the creation of the innovative online ASSESS to RISE tool, developed in partnership with Kind Enterprises, a recognised leader in anti-racism and racial equity strategy and consulting. Simple and Engaging, a technology partner specialising in non-profit solutions, developed the technology.

The ASSESS to RISE Tool: A powerful instrument for change

A key aspect of the RISE Project is the ASSESS to RISE tool. A first-of-its-kind self-assessment powered by automated reporting and analytics, it goes beyond traditional methods by incorporating the voices and perspectives of CARM women.

  • The tool assesses an organisation’s policies, processes, and practices through 100 questions, identifying potential barriers for CARM women.
  • Unlike traditional tools, ASSESS to RISE analyses data through an intersectional lens, considering the combined effects of gender and race. This provides a more nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by CARM women.
  • It provides a clear picture of the organisation’s current D&I state, enabling targeted action plans.
  • Organisations can measure their advancement in addressing systemic barriers through periodic reassessments.

Dr. Jane O’Leary, Research Director at DCA, highlights the tool’s groundbreaking nature: “We haven’t encountered another tool like this in Australia or overseas. This is one of the few tools available that provides organisations with the capacity to collect, analyse, and report on intersectional workforce data.

Early Impact and Future Potential

Early results from the RISE project are promising.  The ASSESS to RISE tool has proven to be a valuable asset, providing organisations with a clear baseline understanding of their current state of play regarding CARM women in leadership.  This data is then used to develop targeted action plans, allowing organisations to track their progress over time.  The tool’s educational component has also been impactful, fostering critical thinking and raising awareness among participants about the challenges faced by CARM women. These early successes demonstrate the potential of the RISE project to drive lasting change.

Dr Virginia Mapedzahama, Member Education Director at DCA, expands on the early impact the tool has had for participants: “For the CARM women aspiring leaders…the tool has also had some unforeseen benefits. They have said that they have found filling in the ASSESS to RISE tool very validating because they feel like the questions and the response options make it clear that DCA understands their workplace experiences. Not every survey tool output will capture this accurately and clearly.”

The RISE project serves as a powerful example of how technology can be leveraged to drive positive change in diversity and inclusion.  DCA’s innovative approach, combined with Simple and Engaging’s expertise, has resulted in a valuable tool with the potential to be replicated and adapted to address other intersectional challenges within DEI.

David Watters, CEO at Simple and Engaging: “We are honoured to collaborate with DCA on the RISE Project.  This initiative is a powerful example of how technology can be leveraged to drive and scale positive change.

The RISE project continues to gather pace, with the remaining cohorts of organisations being onboarded over the coming 12 months.

About Diversity Council Australia

Diversity Council Australia is the independent, not-for-profit, peak body leading diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We provide unique research, inspiring events and programs, curated resources, and expert advice across all diversity dimensions to a community of over 1,300 member organisations. Our member organisations are estimated to employ over two million Australians, representing almost 20% of the workforce. 

About Simple and Engaging

We are a technology solutions provider focused on empowering small businesses and non-profit organisations to thrive in an increasingly complex and resource-limited environment. Through our automation solutions, including automated maturity assessment, data visualisation, and small business automation tools, we help our clients solve tough challenges, make informed technology decisions, scale cost-effectively and achieve more with less. Visit Simple and Engaging for more information.

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Source :Diversity Council Australia

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.