Useful Guide to Create an Internal Wiki to Share & Acquire Knowledge

Make your company a thriving growth machine with an internal wiki. This platform will help your employees to learn about the company and its projects minutely.

Image Credit: Scribe

Visualize you are starting a new training session with new recruits and you have comprehensive material that you can share with them as you continue to share more about the company. They will have the basics clear once they read the internal wiki for the company. This can be a widely efficient and useful way to distribute information and learn it efficiently. Many companies and their work cultures have this thing to share their knowledge in the most seamless way possible. Here’s everything you need to know about this process.

  • What Is an Internal Wiki?

When it comes to something starting with Wiki you instantly will resonate it with the renowned platform called Wikipedia the online encyclopedia where you can find almost anything and everything and learn it in the most concise and generous manner. Here are some aspects that can be beneficial if you are using an internal platform can be useful for these following aspects.

  • It can efficiently save documents and you can share them whenever you want
  • Embedding documents with an email or in your preferred way
  • Inviting new guests to the ecosystem of your company
  • You can create trackable links to reach t your team members efficiently
  • The history of the company and the project everything will be available on this platform

And having an internal Wiki is similar to this. A company consists of various aspects and teams and it is not possible to share agendas with one another on a daily basis. Wiki comes as a quick fix for everything. The word wiki is Hawaiian of ‘quick’ and it can be the quickest answer to everything related to your company exclusively.

  • Who It Is Meant For?

With a thriving internal Wiki various aspects of your company will be vastly benefitted. Here are some aspects that will help you acquire better results with an internal wiki link. These widely beneficial aspects are:

  • New recruits
  • Existing workforce
  • Transitioning Employees
  • Remote workers
  • Employees in International Offices

It can be hard to stay in touch with everyone, but with Wiki, you need to only ask them to check this whenever they are willing to learn about certain aspects of the company. In this way, you bring more awareness within your teams and communication becomes extremely easy when they can learn about something new or point out the difference within a short period.

  • Why Every Office Should Have an Internal Wiki?

Coordination, communication, and growth are the key factors to successfully run an organization. And with an internal wiki, you can easily coordinate and cooperate with each of the teams at once. There are many features to a wiki portal you can use age many as you would prefer to bring the most comprehensive knowledge to your companies. You will not have to worry about someone’s absence to miss out on the latest development they can catch up on it with an internal wiki efficiently.

Studies have shown that companies with internal wiki have witnessed 35% growth in their yearly revenue and started to execute each of their fortes in a better and more efficient manner. Internal wiki is a knowledgeable platform where you will have to share your agendas findings and more things related to the organization. Here are some aspects which will be elevated with the usages of wiki:

  1. Improves Collective Works

Your company is not burdened on just one team; every team has to play their part for the exponential growth you are willing to witness for your organization. With an internal wiki, the overall work culture of your workplace will elevate you will experience more profit and your growth will be inevitable. Here are some aspects that you will witness with the internal wiki:

  • Managers can easily update standard operating procedures (SOPs) with their employees
  • Project managers will keep the project status updated for their team members
  • HR Teams can keep informed of the ethics and policies of the company
  • Developers can share resources and code with one another
  • Design teams can share brand style guides with anyone in this concern
  • Fresh Recruits can learn and gather information from this platform

These are some of the few reasons to start your company’s internal wiki right now. Not just efficacies it will also increase the transparency within the company. It will also increase the interesting part of the company.

  1. New Members and Onboard Team Members

Reaching out to each of your team members can be difficult. Everyone has their exclusive attentive gauge and yet, to reach each of them you will have to make sure everyone is listening to whatever you are saying to bring the most productive outcome. Here are some important topics that you can share through an internal wiki:

  • Guidelines
  • Checklists
  • Material of Customer support
  • Training documents
  • Design material (insignia, etc)
  • Business Policies
  • How-to guides
  • Best practices and more!

These are some of the most useful ways to bring better recognition and more strength to the company you are working for. You can also share this with your new joiners to bring them into the system efficiently. They will learn about various aspects of the system and ask them whether they have any questions regarding it. It can be more efficient than dictating everything to them which might lead to overwhelm them.

  1. Understand Growth and Knowledge Retention

While some knowledge has to be well distributed amongst your employees this is why this option comes in very efficiently. Knowledge is the key to better productivity and if you want a more productive outcome then you will have to work on better prospects of the company. Here are some efficient ways to bring more awareness to your system. It can replace the following aspects of a company

  • When on-the-job experience is lost or erased
  • How to look at the issues which are considered to be lost
  • Strategies or tactics that have been used before
  • How they managed projects which has led to the loss of the project
  • The research is based on why they have lost previously

These are the reasons to make your internal wiki which will not just allow you to gather all the knowledge but it will also help your employees to bring more awareness and growth to the system. Every internal wiki space should have certain elements to keep it interactive and efficient for each employee.

  • Essential Features to Create an Internal Wiki

When you are working on your company’s internal wiki you need to make sure that these features are a part of your wiki checklist. Otherwise, the platform will not be as successful as it should be in ensuring its effectiveness and popularity.

  • Company’s Internal Wiki Checklist:
  • Real-time collaboration among every employee
  • Provide exclusive digital workspaces for each team
  • Vigorous content management system to store all the files and documents of the company – PDFs, guides, excel sheets, videos, images, training documents, etc.
  • Tough search competence, allows the employees to quickly browse through folders and provide employees with the files they have been looking for fast.
  • Information Protection to ensure any outsider doesn’t learn your company secrets or access the files.

These are some of the most useful ways to make your internal wiki and it will also be another great option to comprehensively allow your employees to learn and keep themselves updated with every nuanced aspect of the company that is in some ways related to the work they do. There are many tools that you can use to create this platform for your employees. Yet, the following features for your internal wiki will be extremely handy for your system:

  1. Team Workspaces – this can be an exclusive virtual hub for all of your teams and employees.
  2. Real-time Collaboration – Several collaborators can edit and elevate a document.
  3. Smart and Interactive Documents – this can be an efficient way to collaborate.
  4. Smart Wikis – easy way to transfer files and documents.
  5. AI Genius – You can first draft with AI and then work on it to offer the personal touch.
  6. Smart Search – This is an efficient search engine to bring more recognition and prospects for the company.
  7. External Wiki – this option will help you to share your findings or motifs with your clients easily or arrange a meeting with them.

If you are willing to build a company internal wiki make sure that you have these aforesaid features to bring better opportunities for your company and your employees will be happy to have their hands in this comprehensive database with every minute details about various projects and their outcomes.